Problem Solved

They did it! The absolute scourge of unwanted pregnancies foisted upon women across the nation has an impending eradication in the declared sex strike!!! No more strange, non-human parasites sipping on the placental juice box of women without their consent – the problem has been nipped in the proverbial bud. Women have answered and answered with vigor – and that answer is family planning! Take that you puritanical, patriarchal, life-affirming corpones!

As you can see by the game plan to the right, the proposed solution is to – wait for it – avoid unintended pregnancy by avoiding sex. This sounds strangely akin to another suggestion…ab…absti….absti-something or other, I can’t remember.

This is like if gastric bypass surgeries were banned, to show their anger at the injustice, the morbidly obese declared a strike on eating ice cream. That’ll show’em.

The legal imposition on immoral activities has caused the cessation of the immoral activities which made the imposition necessary in the first place. And they did this in a spirit of retribution. But at least they came up with it on their own.

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