A Study In Scarlet: Investigations In Communion Wine, Part 4

Two Wine Theory In The Dock In a previous post, I mentioned the "Two Wine Theory" developed in the Temperance movement which sought to prove there were two different wines in the Bible. This view posited that all references to wine that connote blessing and goodness indicated unfermented juice, and those portraying the negative effects … Continue reading A Study In Scarlet: Investigations In Communion Wine, Part 4

A Study In Scarlet: Investigations in Communion Wine, Part 3

Counterpoints and Rebuttals Objection #1 Jesus didn't drink wine, he drank grape juice. Nope. He drank wine. Some reason that since the gospel says Jesus "offered the cup", but does not specify here that it was wine, then we can imagine it filled with any one of several substances. But in the next sentence, Jesus … Continue reading A Study In Scarlet: Investigations in Communion Wine, Part 3

A Study In Scarlet: Investigations In Communion Wine Part 2

Part 1 here. Ethanol An astute observer would note that the nut of this conversation is really a chemical one: should the sacrament contain ethanol or not? And if the conversation is over alcohol, doesn't that seem a bit....unChristian? Why should anyone be making a case for booze in the sacraments? An important step in … Continue reading A Study In Scarlet: Investigations In Communion Wine Part 2

A Study In Scarlet: Investigations in Communion Wine, Part 1

I began this essay months ago with the best intentions to keep it succinct. This did not happen. When I bumped my head on the 10,000-word mark, it became clear that I needed to break apart the empire or run down to Office Depot and have them bind it into a booklet. I chose the … Continue reading A Study In Scarlet: Investigations in Communion Wine, Part 1

Commencement Address

I was privileged to be asked to give the commencement speech to the Classical Conversations graduating class of 2024 in our local community. Good evening, My name is Tim Constant. Is the time ready? Judges? Opposing team? Let’s begin. Today, I will be presentating on the graduating class of 2024.  I am honored to have … Continue reading Commencement Address